Tony Childs (USA) 2017-10-07
Traveling with Mikhail has been for me by far the best way to see the overwhelming majority of Russia. Aside from the standard tours to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Trans-Siberian railroad, the vast Russian land mass is neglected by travel organizers. Probably this is true because the distances are so great. It is not because there are not interesting things to see and do. In fact, OUT THERE is the more authentic Russian experience -- away from the glitter of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
John Burke (USA) 2013-07-20
Dear Mikhail! Wow, what a good time I had with you. I enjoyed the sights, the conversation, the debates, the food - it was all good. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Let me know your thoughts about the trip to Russia in Siberia. Also for a trip to the Caucasus.
Burke Rosen & Associates (216)566-9300.
Larry Leventhal (USA) 2012-07-14
Dear Misha: I am now back in New York. I thank you for our 2nd very nice trip. Regards, Larry Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Larry Leventhal (USA) 2010-07-02
Dear Misha: It was wonderful traveling with you and I look forward to my next trip to Russia. Regards, Larry Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Rodney Russ (New Zealand) 2008-09-15
Mikhail, thank you for a great trip – it went beyond and above my expectations – it was great. I will be back – not to do that exact trip again but to do other trips. I have just spoken to Robbie and Simon by phone; they are equal in their gratitude for your services.
Rodney Russ, Managing Director Heritage Expeditions, Heritage Travel Group, 53B Montreal Street, P.O.Box 7218 Christchurch, New Zealand. Tel ++64 3 365 3500 Fax ++64 3 365 1300 www.heritage-expeditions.com
Charles Veley (USA) 2007-11-15
If any of you ever wish to make a drive across all of Russia, or anywhere in between, Mikhail (Misha) Rybochkin can help you. I have spent 3 summers with him, and can recommend him thoroughly.
Charles Veley - the most traveled man. www.mosttraveledpeople.com
Michael von Hassel (Germany) 2015-04-08
Mein Buddy Kolja hat ein paar Eindrücke unserer Reise zum russischen Weltwunder gesammelt: http://gentlemanadventurer.travellerspoint.com/553/
Btw.: wer sich für einen großen oder kleinen Trip kreuz und quer durch das wunderbare Russland interessiert, Mikhail Rybochkin ist absolut DER Mann dafür! Von Kamtschatka bis St. Petersburg, vom Nordpol bis an den Baikalsee... Der Ex-Fallschirmspringer in der russischen Armee kennt das ganze Land, kann alles, kennt jeden, vermittelt russische Geschichte wie kein anderer, spricht mehrere Sprachen und ist phantastisch nett wie vertrauenswürdig. Es gibt viel zu entdecken!
My buddy Kolja has collected a few impressions of our journey to the Russian wonders of the world: http://gentlemanadventurer.travellerspoint.com/553/
BTW.: who wants to make a large or small trip across the wonderful Russia, Mikhail Rybochkin is absolutely the man for the job! From Kamchatka to St. Petersburg, from the North Pole to Lake Baikal... The former paratrooper in the Russian army knows the whole country, can do everything, knows everyone, taught Russian history like no other, speaks several languages and is fantastically nice as trustworthy. There is much to discover!
Harri Tuomola (Finland) 2016-03-10
Misha, everything well planned and implemented. I truly appreciate the effort you put into this. Thank you for all the great experiences. Truly unforgettable trip to the edge of the world. I am big on remote places but this in many ways topped the list. Simply amazing.
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Michael Von Hassel (Germany) 2016-03-12
What a marvellous trip! Maximum global respect for the idea, the organisation and the performance.
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